Zuiker Family Genealogy
Description | Quantity |
Total Individuals | 320 |
Total Males | 158 (49.38%) |
Total Females | 152 (47.5%) |
Total Unknown Gender | 10 (3.13%) |
Total Living | 155 |
Total Families | 93 |
Total Unique Surnames | 88 |
Total Photos | 11 |
Total Documents | 0 |
Total Headstones | 0 |
Total Histories | 1 |
Total Recordings | 0 |
Total Videos | 0 |
Total Sources | 0 |
Total Source Citations | 2 |
Average Lifespan1 | |
Earliest Birth (Jan Zuiker) | 13 Aug 1778 |
Longest Lived1 | Age |
Luigi Sisco | |
Clarice Emily Martcie | |
Francis Cornelius Zuiker | |
Mary ? | |
Cornelius Leo Zuiker | |
Helen E. Mayer | |
Josephine Frances Kalsenske Chersky | |
Hugh Martcie | |
Nelletje Brandsen | |
Virginia Viola Weissenhofer |
1 | Age-related calculations are based on individuals with recorded birth and death dates. Due to the existence of incomplete date fields(e.g., a death date listed only as "1945" or "BEF 1860"), these calculations cannot be 100% accurate. |